I came across yet another "book" he was making. This one was a work in progress but as I read it I was surprised at how a 6 year old could actually put words into a story and be more than "My name is Joe. I like cars. The end."
"What Happened When I Woke Up" this work is titled. This is what he wrote so far:
Chapter 1 More Arms
When I woke up something weird happened. Every second I got more arms! It was so weird that I fell to the ground. In two minutes I had 120 arms! My mother fell to the ground when she saw it. She said "Oh my gosh!"
Chapter 2 Start the Search for the Cure
"What happened?" She shouted in a very very very loud voice.
"I don't know" I said.
"Then we must search for a cure right away." My mother said.
Chapter 3 Is There A Cure?
"But....oh yeah is there a cure? We are going to go around the world everywhere until we find it." I said.
"That's what I thought." My mother said.
"That's what I was going to say and we will never know there's a cure until we just look."
"OK, you're right."
Chapter 4 The Last Place to Look
OK, so this is all he had so far and I guess it isn't the most fancy story out there, but it was pretty good for a 6 year old. I don't remember writing any stories when I was 6. We will have to see how his story ends.