What's as beautiful as butterfly wings?
Lapis laxuli that's sparkly blue,
A topaz that shines so goldenly true,
An opal that shines like rainbow fire
And and emerald that people admire.
I've never even heard of a lapis lazuli.
And then our 1st grader wrote a whole 5 page story entitled "My Funny Family".
I won't quote the whole thing, but I thought it was pretty impressive a kid who was in preschool last year, was now writing 5 page stories with things like:
"My mom is extremely fun on vacations." and,
"My dad is exhilarating."
Pretty big words, and he spelled them all right too.
I was so proud and loved both their presents.
"My dad is exhilarating."
Pretty big words, and he spelled them all right too.
I was so proud and loved both their presents.
Wow, I don't even use words that big!
That is really impressive. Jamie Lee Curtis wrote a book called Big Words Little People. The reason she wrote it is because she thought that it was a shame how sloppy the english language has gotten. Everyone seems to abbreviate even the simplest words. So she wrote the Big Words book for children to read (or for parents to read to their children) to teach children big words like "extraordinary." Looks like your kids are ahead of the game!
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