I thought right away that my oldest would absolutely love this being that all he has been doing lately is watching the history or discovery channel. The only problem was that it was advertised for 11 to 15 year olds, and my oldest was only 9.
Hmmm.......he's smart enough. I know he would love it. So, off to camp we went this week. I told him if anyone asked him how old he was, that he was 11. Of course, my good honest son looked at me in confusion and said, "No, I'm not." And I thought. And then I said, "Well, just tell them you're smart as an 11 year old." And that was that.
After the first day I went to pick him up and the coordinator stopped me in the hallway. "So, is he home schooled?" She asked.
Hmmm......home schooled? I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or an insult, like if that was a good thing to be or not, but she went on explaining she knew he wasn't as old as the other kids but he was so smart. She said he was in there right in the middle of the other kids doing 7th grade math and answering all the science questions as if he knew all the answers.
I guess she was just saying how she was surprised he was so smart in just a regular school setting. I told her he was in a full time gifted program, but actually when I think about it, he hasn't really learned all that he knows from school. Anything he knows is from reading or stuff he's learned at home. I know he's got that super memory where he remembers everything to the word of anything that he's ever read.
It is only day 2 of camp and he is loving every minute of it. Funny how math and science camp is the last place I'd like to be, but for my oldest one he is just in heaven. Experiments, logic, thinking, and problems are what he loves. I hope he continues to have this love and it takes him to great places.
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