Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Recommended by the Pediatrician!

Well, today we received a call from our Pediatrician. A year ago we took our second son in for his well child checkup and the doctor was first to observe how smart he was. He told us then that we should go directly to our Principal and ask what can we do for this child? So, it all started by recommendation of our doctor, and now after all this testing and discussing, I left a message with him, and today he called me back.

I told him how everyone was so worried about him socially and emotionally and what would happen down the road......and he said really there is only a 6 weeks difference! There is always the youngest in the class and the oldest in the class. And there will be kids a month older than Caleb in his grade. That is NOT that big of a deal!

He has personal experience with his own son whose birthday also falls in October who they skipped Kindergarten. He is now a junior in highschool. I asked about dating, and drivers education. (By skipping him now, that will make him 16 as a senior turning 17 in October.) He said his son hasn't had any problems, he still took drivers ed with some of the younger kids in his own class, and he got his drivers license on his birthday.

He asked about specific social and developmental abilities. He said our son will be FINE! I really value our Pediatrician. He is very wise and an excellent doctor. Whenever we go to ANY specialist or other doctors, they all say they know him and half the time he is who trained them to do their job! Anyone looking for a good Pediatrician? Dr. David Hurley in Murray, Utah.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

It's good you have a great Pediatrician...we are looking for a new one...we disagree on everything! BLAH!